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Support Article

Full Description is not displaying for the particular column



Full Description is not displaying for the particular column even if the width of that column is set to 200 in the list view.

the description column in listview is not been displayed fully, instead users are getting "+" symbol in the end .

Error Messages

No error message associated with this issue.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a Datatable.
2. Expose properties present in the Datatable class
3. Add some rows in datatable editor with text more than 32 characters.

4. Create a listview rule in this Datatable class.
5. Run the listview and observe the text present in that particular column

Root Cause

When we run the Optimize for reporting wizard on any property present in the Datatable class, PRPC will create a new individual column for that property with lenght 32 characters and inserts the data from PZPVStream to this column. If it contains text larger than 32 characters, then PRPC will insert 31 characters along with + sign.
When we create listview with that column, it will display the data present in the individual column which contains the + sign.


This issue is resolved through the following local change:

To display the complete text even after exposing property, Developer should alter the table by giving some larger size for that particular coulmn and need restart the server by deleting extract marker file.

Steps to be followed:

  1. alter the column size using the below query

use dbprpc62sp2;
Alter table dbo.pc_work alter column Name Varchar(50) ;

2. Delete the PegaRULES_Extract_Marker.txt file present in the temp directory and restarted the server.

  1. Insert new row in Datatable using Datatable editor which contains more than 32 characters and less than 50 characters.
  2. Now run the Listview report and observe that the latest record added is displayed with full text in report. But the existing records which are added before altering the column size is still displaying with + sign.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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