Support Article
Function Not working properly in Report Definition Filter
In the filters section of a report definition, if user use 'contains ' as a RelationShip and use any function as a column value, the query fired is getting modified to '=' instead of 'like'.

Error Messages
No error messages.
Steps to Reproduce
1) Create a report definition.
2) In the filter section , use 'Contains' as a relationship and provide a function in the RHS .
Root Cause
This is the expected behaviour. If we use a function in RHS of a filter condition, the filter operand is treated as equal. This is because if a literal was provided in RHS, user automatically add wildcards based on the operand type.
But since a function has been used in RHS, one cannot add the wildcards and thus change it to equals.
Use SQL function for the column source field in filter criteria instead of value field and such that user can generate the contains("like") logic in SQL .
Published April 27, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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