Support Article
High number of PEGA0017 "Cache Reduced" alerts
The PegaRULES-ALERT logfile has a high number of PEGA0017 alerts.
Error Messages
2015-04-21 09:14:55,348 GMT*7*PEGA0017*30000*30000*b143fc226303d069cc2910501cbde037*NA*NA*HAEA09864BB26CE0133E84BAA3D3DF852*[ASSORTED ALERT MESSAGE CONTENT]*collections/mru/PropertyReference: Successfully reduced Concurrent MRU Map by 2986 down to: 33219.*
Steps to Reproduce
Not Applicable
Root Cause
This alert occurs when certain cache sizes configured are insufficient for the environment. As a result of undersized caches, the system is forced to purge items from the cache regardless of usage. This can also cause an unusually high number of cache misses and negatively impact system performance.
To raise the cache sizes, create Dynamic System Settings with the following Setting Purposes and Values. Note that these values need to be raised based on your environment requirements, but larger caches impact the overall JVM memory usage.
Purpose: prconfig/collections/mru/propertyreference/instancecountlimit/default
Value: 200000
Purpose: prconfig/declaratives/fragments/instancecountlimit/default
Value: 50000
Published June 12, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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