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Support Article

History tracking online users



How can I gather information of count of online users by periods from the database tables?
I need the report by day, by week and by month.
The report will have been rathered by historical data.

I know I can gather information from PegaRules.log 'cause the log consists of the lines looking like "Tue Sep 30 10:47:40 GMT+04:00 2014 Total memory: 7,516,192,768 Free memory: 3,180,872,720 Requestor Count: 365 Shared Pages memory usage: 0%". Where Requestor Count: 365 is count of working requestors. But I don't hold the logs long time.


We do not have any OOTB reports for the same. The License Compliance/Usage Tracking can do some of this, but probably not to the format you require.

You can refer the following articles on PDN for more information:

Run the report:
System - Tools - Usage Metrics - Usage Summary Report

The easiest way to measure usage against that definition is to run a SQL query against the pr_daily_usage table to create an output that provides a count of distinct pzUserId’s by pzUsageDay eg

pzUsageDay between '2013-06-01' and '2013-06-30'
Group by pzUserId

If you require further help with this then I recommend that you discuss your requirements with the Pega Consulting department who will be able to assist you further.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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