Support Article
How to display actual count & percentage in the chart ?
Developer created an interactive bar chart subtype: “100% — Stacks bars”. (Summary View)
They noticed, when the mouse cursor hovers over a line chart, a popup window appears with wrong data about the total number of tasks. (Find below snapsshots )
They want to know how to display actual count and percentage simultaneously in the graph ?

This issue is resolved by following the below steps:-
1.Create the SummaryView Rule. (Pic 1)

2. Configure the interactive chart for summary view.
Choose the following settings (pic2 – pic7):

Pic 2 : Chart configuration

Pic 3 : Select stack

Pic 4 : Set the data

Pic 5 : Set values for axis.

Pic 6: Put text to display along the axis of the chart.

Pic 7: Set the values for Options tab.
Once we run the summary view now, we will get the below result.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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