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Support Article

Impossible to release lock after localizing button label



Developer has localized their application to French and the localized value for "End other session to Release Lock" is set to "L'autre extrémité session pour déverrouiller". 
The localized value contains a single quote('). This causes a syntax error for that button and loss of OnClick functionality. 

Error Messages


No message in tracer and log file. Button seems to do nothing

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a field value as @baseclass • pyButtonLabel • End other session to Release Lock and add "L'autre extrémité session pour déverrouiller" as the translated value. 
2. Open a case in Session 1 with Operator 1. 
3. Open the same case in another session with the same operator(Operator 1).

Root Cause

There is a issue with Pega:lookup tag.

Removing pega:lookup tag and adding call to get localized value and escaping that value. 
Changes in RUF GenerateButton.

l_caption_escape = StringUtils.escapeIntoJavaString(tools.getLocalizedTextForString("pyButtonLabel",paramCaption));
instead of
l_caption = "<pega:lookup property =\".pyButtonLabel\" value=\""+paramCaption+"\"/>";


HFix-25666 resolved the issue.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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