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Support Article

Incorrect Committed and Uncommited hotfix count



In the Hot Fix Manager screen, Committed and Uncommitted results change when hotfixes are installed. Though the Installation process does not commit the hotfixes, the system Scanner lists the hotfixes as Committed.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Run the system Scanner. Take the Uncommitted and Committed hotfix count.
  2. Install a DL containing an impacted hotfix. Do not commit the hotfixes
  3. Rerun system Scanner. Take the Uncommitted and Committed hotfix count.
  4. Install another DL. Do not commit the hotfixes .
  5. Rerun the system Scanner. Take the Uncommitted and Committed hotfixes count. The number of Committed hotfixes has increased though no commit has occurred.

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.
Incorrect results occurred due to how the system Scanner calculated the Committed hotfixes, when code module versions were listed incorrectly in the catalogue for more than one hotfix.


Here’s the explanation for the reported behavior:

The system Scanner lists hotfixes as Committed for superseded hotfixes.

Perform the below steps to determine parent hotfixes that supersede the child hotfixes:
  1. Open the Scanner result (highlighted in yellow). The Excel file contains all the hotfix IDs with Java classes and Pega rules installed or superseded in the environment.

  2. To determine the parent hotfix for HFix-34952, apply a filter on the Hotfix ID column with the HFix-34952 value. Observe the ‘Code Changes ClassName’ column. This column contains the Java class names that this hotfix has. In this case, the class name is ‘ClipboarPageImpl.class’. Copy the class name.
  3. Clear all the filers. Apply the filter on the ‘Code Change ClassName’ column with ‘ClipboarPageImpl.class’ value. This provides the list of all the hotfixes that contain this class. Determine the hotfix ID for which both ‘Hotfix status’ and ‘pxInstallStatus’ column values are ‘Installed’. Here the hotfix ID with the filtered status is HFix-40755. Hence, HFix-40755 supersedes HFix-34952.

  4. To determine the parent hotfix for HFix-32874, clear all the filters and apply a filter on the ‘Hotfix ID’ column with HFix-32874 value. This hotfix contains two Java classes, ClipboardPropertyImpl.class and  ReferencePropertyLinkBase.class.

  5. Clear all the filers and apply a filter on the ‘Code Change ClassName’ column with the ‘ClipboardPropertyImpl.class’ value. This generates the list of all hotfixes that contain this class. Determine the hotfix ID for which both ‘Hotfix status’ and ‘pxInstallStatus’ columns values are ‘Installed’. Here the hotfix ID with such a status is HFix-40802. Hence, HFix-40802 supersedes HFix-32874.

  6. Clear all the filers and apply a filter on the ‘Code Change ClassName’ column with ‘ReferencePropertyLinkBase.class’ value. This generates a list of all hotfixes that contain this class. Determine the hotfix ID for which both ‘Hotfix status’ and ‘pxInstallStatus’ columns values are ‘Installed’. The hotfix ID with such a status is HFix-37242. Hence, HFix-37242 supersedes HFix-32874.

    Therefore, HFix-37242 and HFix-40802 are the parent hotfixes which supersede HFix-32874. There maybe some hotfixes which are superseded by multiple parent hotfixes.

Published May 7, 2019 - Updated October 8, 2020

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