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Support Article

JavaScript error on using grid inside tabbed repeat layout



Referring to a repeat grid with details shown using the "embedded elsewhere-In place of a section" option in a tabbed layout prevents user from adding multiple tabs. Once a new tab is added, the screen freezes. On click of a new tab a javascript error is displayed.

Error Messages

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null
pega.ui.initGrids @ pzpega_ui_grid_1394839166.js!pzpega_ui_grid_dragdrop_13547640236.js!pega_yui_resize_1754469339.js!!.js:1docLifecycle.initializeGrids @ pega_ui_harness_11180311311!!.js:7docLifecycle.processOnloads @ pega_ui_harness_11180311311!!.js:7ajaxengine.loadHTMLEleCallback @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!! @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!! @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!! @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!!.js:1587ajaxengine.loadDOMObject @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!!.js:1ajaxengine.handleSuccess @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!!.js:1ajaxengine.handleReloadRepeatSuccess @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!!.js:1H.success @ pega_ui_harness_deferred_13126745870!!.js:1pega.util.Connect.handleTransactionResponse @ pega_desktop_domainsuffix_1819019784.js!clientlogbase_11632504602.js!pega_y…2!developerwrapperapi_12187829019.js!pzautomationscripts_1854328436!!.js:6(anonymous function) @ pega_desktop_domainsuffix_1819019784.js!clientlogbase_11632504602.js!pega_y…2!developerwrapperapi_12187829019.js!pzautomationscripts_1854328436!!.js:6

Steps to Reproduce

Add a new tab to a proposal work object to observe the issue.


This issue is resolved by HFix-22589 for Pega 7.1.8. This can also be addressed by adding the below code in UserWorkForm. This change would need to be removed before upgrading to Pega 7.1.9.

function gridFix(){
                if(pega && pega.u){
                                pega.u.initGrids = function(grid) {
                                                                window.printWin = true;
                                                                var gridarray=;
                                                                for(var instance in gridarray) {
                                                                                var gridEle = document.getElementById(instance);
                                                                                                Grids.addGrid( , new pega.ui.grid(gridEle));
                                                if(grid && typeof grid!="undefined") {
                                                                var gridElements = pega.util.Dom.getElementsById("PEGA_GRID",grid.gridDiv);
                                                else {
                                                                var gridElements = pega.util.Dom.getElementsById("PEGA_GRID");
                                                if(!gridElements) {
                                                var len = gridElements.length;
                                                var gridEle = null;
                                                var iAttribute = "";
                                                for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                                                /* add index to the id's so that these grids don't get reinitialized when some other section is refreshed */
                                                                gridEle = gridElements[i];
                                                                var newGridId = + pega.ui.gridCounter;
                                                       = newGridId;
                                                                var gridObj = new pega.ui.grid(gridEle);
                                                                Grids.addGrid(newGridId , gridObj);
                                                                /*BUG-83172 START: If grid is present in tab, register a listener onTabActive to call onTabActiveFixGrid */
                                                                if(pega.u.d.tabViewMap) {
                                                                                var temp = gridEle.parentNode;
                                                                                while(!temp.getAttribute("tabgroupid")) {
                                                                                                temp = temp.parentNode;
                                                                                                if(!temp || == "HARNESS_CONTENT" || temp.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "BODY") { // for tabs || for panelset
                                                                                                                temp = null;
                                                                                if(temp) {
                                                                                                var tabgrp = pega.u.d.tabViewMap[];
                                                                                                if(tabgrp) {
                                                                                                                var activeTab = tabgrp._configs.tabs.value[tabgrp.get("activeIndex")];
                                                                                                                var activeTabContent = activeTab._configs.contentEl.value;
                                                                                                                if(!pega.util.Dom.isAncestor(activeTabContent, gridObj.gridDiv)) {
                                                                                                                                tabgrp.on("activeTabChange", gridObj.onTabActiveFixGrid, null, gridObj);
                                                                /*BUG-83172 END */
                pega.u.d.attachOnload(gridFix, true);

Published June 23, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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