Support Article
JSP anchor in Correspondence Template getting vanished on saving
Developer is attempting to save a template in a correspondence rule, and the JSP anchor disappears on save.
This issue is resolved through the following local change:
1. Create a new section rule and Copy the block of code with Pega:lookup tag in the HTML tab of section rule.
<a href="/<pega:lookup className="Data-Admin-System-Settings" property="pySetting">
<pega:key name="pyOwner" value="Pega-ProCom" />
<pega:key name="pyPurpose" value="PublicLinkURL" />
</pega:lookup>"title="here"> TESTING_URL
2. Use “Insert Rule” option in Non-Source mode of the Correspondence rule which would indirectly create a Pega:include tag for section.
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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