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Support Article

LIMIT BEING EXCEEDED pr_hourly_usage table



LIMIT BEING EXCEEDED error associated with pr_hourly_usage table in Pega 7.1.9.

Error Messages


Steps to Reproduce

Not Applicable.

Root Cause

A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment. There were 1.5 million records in the pr_hourly_usage table, it is because with that many rows in the table it appears that the SPPR_AGGREGATE_USAGE stored procedure for licensing is not running on a nightly basis as it should.  When license daemon executes and invokes SPPR_AGGREGATE_USAGE stored procedure, it processes records in PR_HOURLY_USAGE which are reflected in the Usage summary report.  As  PR_HOURLY_USAGE table had 1.5 million records therefore transaction limit was exceeding

Running following SQL query: select * from pr_license_parameters where pyName = 'pyRetainHourly'
  PYNAME                            PYUSERTYPE                        PYVALUE
  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------
  pyRetainHourly                    SYSTEM                            200

The value for pyRetainHourly, which sets the threshold when the data must be purged from pr_hourly_usage table was 200 days, that is why there there were over 1.5 million record in PR_HOURLY_USAGE table. pyRetainHourly value OOB should be 8 days. 


Make the following change to the operating environment:

PR_HOURLY_USAGE table and redeploy Data-Admin-License record to adjust the “hourly” data retention period to 8 days.

Licence daemon will now keep the size of pr_hourly_usage table within limit.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated December 2, 2021

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