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Support Article

Local action opening in different thread within Repeating grid



User has configured a button in repeating grid and below is the action set configured for that button.  

Whenever click on button is performed, extra thread (PS_THREAD1/$WorkProcessing) is created and the modal dialog runs in that context.

Because of this, though user tries to attach a file, it becomes unsuccessful with the below error.

 Hence, it is unable to get the context of the class and gives the error "<Class> cannot be blank" observed in tracer. 

Error Messages

"Label:This field may not be blank" error in UI and 

"<Class> cannot be blank" observed in tracer. 

Steps to Reproduce

1. Edit a row from within a repeat grid.
2. Click on the Upload button with the above configuration.
3. Try to browse and upload a file.
4. Observe that file uploading becomes unsuccessful.

Root Cause

The root cause of this problem is a defect in user's application code or rules.

The list context specific actions should be used when launching items from a Repeating Grid (or other list-type context).


Use the "List - Open local action" which is selected from "All Actions" to solve this issue.



Published January 3, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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