Support Article
Locale currency symbol is added in the Correspondence
Currency symbol in the UI displays as USD. While, in the Correspondence locale, the currency symbol is added along with '$' (for example, NT$ instead of USD).
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a case and include a currency property in the UI.
- Generate a PDF attachment after completion of the step and include a property which is of type Currency.
- Open the attachment. Verify the currency symbol.
Root Cause
In the out-of-the-box currency control, Symbol value is mentioned as 'Local currency'. This value overrides the USD symbol to display in the correspondence. This occurs sporadically in a few correspondences.
- Create a new control by performing a Save As of the final out-of-the-box Pega rule.
- Change the name of the control.
- Change the Symbol's first dropdown value from 'Currency' to Constant, and provide the Currency value instead of 'Local Currency'.
Published August 15, 2019 - Updated December 2, 2021
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