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Support Article

Mails are not triggered to Participants



When creating cases, mails are not triggered to the Participants in all environments post migration to Pega Platform 8.1.4 from Pega Platform 7.4.

Error Messages

Error sending email: PRRuntimeException

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an activity.
  2. Call the SendEmailNotification out-of-the-box activity by passing the required parameters. In the 'To' parameter, pass emailID with a comma (for example, '[email protected],').

Root Cause

When the SendEmailNotification out-of-the-box activity was called, the parameter value was appended with a comma. Before the SendEmailNotification activity was invoked, the Property-Set method was called, where the 'To' parameter value was assigned. The 'To' parameter value was configured such that two email's are added with a comma as the delimiter (FirstEmailID,SecondEmailID). However, when the second email ID is populated as null, the 'To' parameter had the FirstEmailID, which caused the error.


Perform the following local-change:
  1. Add a condition to check if the SecondEmailID is null. 
  2. If the SecondEmailId is null, then the 'To' parameter must contain only the FirstEmailID, else append the comma and the SecondEmailId with the FirstEmailID.

Published August 19, 2019 - Updated December 2, 2021

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