Support Article
Method to delete older default Pega rules previous to Pega 7.1
User has upgraded PRPC from 5.3 to 5.5, and again PRPC 6.3 to Pega 7.1, so there are older rules from Pega in their DB, and user wants to know if there is any way to delete the older rules from Pega default rulesets, to free up the space.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
Not Applicable
Root Cause
By default older rules will not be deleted when upgraded PRPC to higher version.
To delete these rules user have to run the cleanup.bat which generates the SQL script to clean up the rule base.
Run the cleanup.bat or file to generate the SQL script to clean up the rule base and one can choose either manual or automatic way to run the script.
Refer to page number16 in the below article:
Published July 3, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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