Support Article
Modal Dialog box does not render at the centre of the screen
A portal is configured with a Dynamic container holding a Tab layout. The Tab layout is configured with an icon that lauches a modal dialog. On launching the portal, the modal dialog does not appear at the center of the visible screen but is available on scrolling down the screen.

Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a portal with a Dynamic Container and include a Tab layout.
- Configure an Icon within the Tab layout that launches a modal dialog.
- Run the use case
Root Cause
Tab Layout with Dynamic Container is configured with Size height to content. When this option is checked, the modal dialog is visible at the center of the available total height of the harness.
Perform the following local-change:
Uncheck the Size height to content option in the Dynamic Container.
Published April 20, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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