Support Article
Multiple Requestors in Pega Admin Studio
In Pega Admin Studio, the status of multiple Requestors is Disconnected.
As a result, the user opens a new browser and creates a new requestor. Therefore, the amount of requestors in the system increases. The disconnected requestors are not reused or cleared.
Error Messages
Requestor has been destroyed or recycled
Steps to Reproduce
Close user browser sessions using the browser's Close button instead of log off.
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.
Perform the following local-change:
Add the below code in the prconfig.xml file or add as Dynamic System Settings (DSS):
<env name="Initialization/PersistRequestor" value="OnTimeout"/>
<env name="timeout/browser" value ="1800"/>
Timeout value is in seconds. A Requestor session is cleared if it is idle for 'abc' seconds.
Modify the Timeout value as per requirement.
Published March 18, 2020 - Updated December 2, 2021
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