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Support Article

MultiSelect control sourced from a data page does not render



A MultiSelect control sourced from a data page does not render when displayed through a local action using the Other Actions menu. A refresh is required to view the control.

However, it works in other scenarios.

Error Messages

Not Applicable.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Configure a MultiSelect control field with a PageList property and set the source as a data page
  2. Include the field in a section displayed as part of a local action
  3. Launch the local action from the Other Actions drowdown menu. The values do not render
  4. Refresh the screen. The values display correctly

Root Cause

On loading MultiSelect control using Other Actions menu, the section renders in a gadget.
Gadgets use advanced section parameters which renders in a non-template UI. 

Supporting template generation for advanced parameter sections was determined to be a product enhancement request.


An enhancement request, FDBK-27587, has been created for consideration by Pega Product Management.


Published August 31, 2018 - Updated December 2, 2021

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