Support Article
Need confirmation after message is received by Kafka topic
Requirement for a confirmation message indicating that a specific message is received by the Kafka topic. Unable to differentiate between the successive posts through the Kafka acknowledgement ID. Requirement for each of the message posted to have a Message ID with a corresponding Acknowledgement ID. It can be used for validation at the Kafka side to verify if the respective Message ID is posted successfully when required. No mechanism is provided by Pega to validate or confirm a successful post to Kafka topic.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a Kafka dataset
- Invoke DataSet.Execute (Send) in an activity. No ack ID is provided on a successful delivery. The messages which are posted do not have Message ID with a successful acknowledgement for each Message ID to differentiate between messages
Root Cause
This issue was determined to be a product enhancement request.
An enhancement request, FDBK-26270, is created for consideration by Pega Product Management.
Published May 10, 2019 - Updated October 8, 2020
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