Support Article
NewLine-Space in BIX extract file
User has a textfield property, that is, "AfterData" in workobject and initializing its value by converting the sample Page content to json string before creation of work object by using the function @(Pega-RULES:Page).pxConvertPageToString (tools, myStepPage, "json").
During extraction of work object data using the Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) XML extract the AfterData field contains the JSON string content with the new line characters in it as follows:
"Email":"[email protected]"
,"pyLabel":" "
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a Case which contains the sample Page with some fields along with a textfield called "AfterData" which is not used in section.
2. Add a custom button in the section.
3. Create a work object by entering the sample page properties values.
4. Click on a custom button which will trigger an activity.
5. In an activity need to set the property AfterData with the value @(Pega-RULES:Page).pxConvertPageToString(tools, myStepPage, "json") - where myStepPage is the sample page.
6. Create a BIX XML extract rule to retrieve the work object AfterData content.
7. Run the BIX rule.
Root Cause
@(Pega-RULES:Page).pxConvertPageToString(tools, myStepPage, "json") function will convert the page into the json string which is formatted using new line characters.
Replace all the new line characters with empty string after converting page to json string and then assign the replaced string with the AfterData property as shown below:
Initial AfterData property contains the original json string content and the second AfterData property contains the replaced json string content in the above result.
Published August 12, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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