Support Article
Not able reference parameterized data page in Correspondence
If a parameterized data page is referenced in a Correspondence rule then it does not work and fails at run time.
Error Messages
Section 'Test' execution error on page 'pyTempPage' of class 'your_class'. : The reference D_TestCorr[Value1].pyLabel is not valid. Reason: declare page parameters not supported by PropertyReference
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a data page with a parameter. ie D_TestCorr.
- Create a correspondence rule.
- Insert a property into the Correspondence rule created in step 2.
- Fill out the Property Parameter pop up accordingly (ie. Label = "D_TestCorr[Value1].pyLabel").
- Save the correspondence rule.
- Preview the correspondence rule.
Root Cause
Use parameterized data pages is not supported in correspondence rules. The PDN link below contains the help document with a list of non-UI rules from which parameterized data pages can be referenced.
Perform the following local-change:
Create a custom section and set the parameters, then execute the datapage.
Section code:
tools.getParameterPage().putString("EmployeeName", "Amanda Jones");
Correspondence rule:
The declare page, in the above screen shot, is an out of the box one.
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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