Support Article
Onchange event not posting value on date change in Repeat Grid
Onchange event not posting value on data change in Repeat Grid.
However, if the same process is done for fields in simple free form layout then the value is posted on change of the Data property in UI successfully.
Error Messages
Not applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Add a date property D1 of type Date, add another property T1 of type text in Tree Grid.
2. Add Onchange event, Refresh section with a Datatransform.
3. Set the Value of property T1 in the DataTransform. Observe that the value is not posted into the field in UI.
5. Perform the same steps from 1 to 4, placing the fields in simple free form Layout. The value is posted on change of the Date property in UI successfully.
Root Cause
Tree grid is sourced with page list property.
When user refreshes the section and run the datatransform, the context of refresh section will be pyWorkPage(not that of the page list). So, the data transform is updating the properties under pyWorkPage
This is the very reason why the field is not updated in repeating tree grid (as this has page list context).
In free form layout, the context is pyWorkPage. Hence, it is working as expected.
Perform the below local-change to resolve the issue:
1. On date change event, configure the below actions:
a. Post value
b. Run data transform - This will execute data transform under current row context.
c. Refresh section with "Disable submit on refresh" - to see the updated changes on UI.
2. For all the other columns, configure onChange event - 'Post value' action.
Published June 27, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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