Support Article
Opening second modal window removes thread
User is using two modal windows.
When the first modal window was opened over the grid of work objects, after clicking on the checkbox, second overlay window was opened.
User noticed that upon closing of overlay the submission of modal dialog screen gets greyed.
Error Messages
Executable-ClassNameMissing SubmitModalFlowAction
Steps to Reproduce
1. Over the grid of work objects, open new modal window.
2. Click on the checkbox, that will cause opening of another modal window (overlay).
Root Cause
An issue in the custom application code or rules
Design used is not a valid approach.
Perform the following local-change:
Onclick of the check box run script
In userworkform, save as into the ruleset with below code:
function myconfirm(){
confirm("Do you want to submit?");
Published July 11, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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