Support Article
Oracle Timestamp not supported in Pega 7.1.8
On Pega 7.1.8, when updating an external table on Oracle database with a Timestamp column: TIMESTAMP(6) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE which is
mapped to a DateTime property In Pega. On update of the property error message is displayed.
Error Messages
When writing to the table:
[23/01/17 11:15:26:245 GMT] 00000099 SystemOut O 2017-01-23 11:15:26,244 [ WebContainer : 0] [OpenPortal] [ FCM:01.01.01] ( internal.access.DatabaseImpl) ERROR - The deferred save failed with the following exception Trying to save an invalid page: Trying to save an invalid page: page is not valid
When reading from the table:
[23/01/17 09:42:12:887 GMT] 00000099 SystemOut O 2017-01-23 09:42:12,886 [ WebContainer : 11] [OpenPortal] [ FCM:01.01.01] (.access.PageDatabaseMapperImpl) WARN |IP Address - Encountered a result set that has a column of an unrecognized type
[23/01/17 09:42:12:887 GMT] 00000099 SystemOut O 2017-01-23 09:42:12,886 [ WebContainer : 11] [OpenPortal] [ FCM:01.01.01] (.access.PageDatabaseMapperImpl) WARN |IP Address - database: ng3u
[23/01/17 09:42:12:887 GMT] 00000099 SystemOut O 2017-01-23 09:42:12,886 [ WebContainer : 11] [OpenPortal] [ FCM:01.01.01] (.access.PageDatabaseMapperImpl) WARN|IP Address- table: VC1.IMAGE
[23/01/17 09:42:12:887 GMT] 00000099 SystemOut O 2017-01-23 09:42:12,886 [ WebContainer : 11] [OpenPortal] [ FCM:01.01.01] (.access.PageDatabaseMapperImpl) WARN |IP Address- column: LST_UPDT_TMSTAMP
Steps to Reproduce
Attempt to write/read to the external Item table with TIMESTAMP with TIMEZONE format and the issue is not occurring with generic TIMESTAMP.
Root Cause
Not Applicable
An enhancement request, FDBK-18224, has been created for consideration by Pega Product Management.
Published March 26, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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