Support Article
Paste apostrophe in text area, displays encoded when reopened
In a text control, users pasting text with special characters (') have them encoded into ' format. The issue is not reproduced when the special character is manually entered.

Error Messages
Not applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. Copy text from word document containing special characters like '," ? % and paste in notes section.
2. For an apostrophe, the text is added with '.
Root Cause
An issue in the custom application code or rules: For unknown reasons, the mode for the Label value in the cell displaying the note detail was changed from out of the box value 'literal' to something else (changed value not known):

Perform the following local-change: Set the mode to 'literal' or the safer 'richtext':

Published August 26, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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