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Support Article

Pop up error message displays when selecting flow actions



A business user tries to select a flow action on the Perform harness, but, flow action does not display. Instead a pop up message "Local actions are available only when you are performing assignments" is displayed.

Error Messages

On IE8, you will receive a pop up message 
"Local actions are available only when you are performing assignments". On some browser versions, you will notice that no error message is displayed. In any case,selected flow action does not display.

Steps to Reproduce

Launch User portal, create a work object.
On Perform harness, select a flow action e.g. 'TestFA' from 'Take Action' drop down.
TestFA does not display, you will see the error pop up.

Root Cause

Issue happens when pyFlowName property does NOT exist or is empty on the work object page e.g. pyWorkPage. Due to this, you will notice on the Tracer that 'ActionMode' parameter on the parameter page is set to "LOCAL_ACTION". In working scenario, you will notice this parameter value to be "FLOW_ACTION"


This issue is resolved through the following local change:

1. Identify the activity that opens/creates the work object.
2. Locate the step in the activty which populates the work object clipboard page e.g. pyWorkPage.
3. Do a Poperty-Set on pyWorkPage to set the value of 'pyFlowName' to the name of the flow in question. Save the page.

Published March 14, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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