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Support Article

Pop-ups remain open after logoff



When a new window is opened from the user portal and then the user logs off from the initial user portal, the new window does not close automatically.

Error Messages

Not Applicable.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Configure any onclick event to launch a Harness in new window.
  2. At run time launch that new window from User Portal.
  3. Click logoff and see that new window is still there.

Root Cause

The root cause of this problem is a defect in Pegasystems’ code/rules. The closing of opened windows was not handled for casemanager. 


This issue is resolved through the following local-change: 
  1. Modify pyCaseManager navigation rule by adding "Run Script" before "Log off" action for log off menu item click 
  2. In the Run script give "closeWindows"
  3. Add below script to UserWorkForm html rule.

function closeWindows() { 
var curWin= null; 
while (null != (curWin= application.openedWindows.pop())) { 


Published August 27, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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