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Support Article

Print Functionality is truncating columns of the grid



When user prints the page and save it as XPS document, only 75% of page is printing. User is using window.print () function to print the pages.

Error Messages

Not Applicable.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a grid with 10 columns, see that there is a scrollbar to display all the columns.
2. Create a button on click of which Runscript to call window.print() is written.
3. At runtime, click on button to print the page.

Root Cause

The Print functionality which is cutting few columns to the right is as expected as the page size is A4.

Refer the below links:

If the grid contains more columns with more data, it will occupy more width, as it fits into A4 size. Hence, it will consider only some amount of page (few number of columns) because by default Print considers A4 page size.

This is the same with the browser print also.



To some extent, user can reduce the effect by changing the grid configuration Width of the content from ‘Fit to Content’ to ‘Fill(100%)’. However, this again depends on the content of the column.

Best feasible option would be to change to A2 or A3 page size.


Published August 4, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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