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Support Article

Properties need Identifiers with matching case to parent class.



While creating property "foo" and a property of the same name exists in @baseclass - then the Identifiers must match in case. For example, a property named "foo" with Identifier value "Foo" in @baseclass will require any overriding property to have matching Identifier of "Foo".  If you try to depart from this, the Designer will report an error.

Error Messages

This error will be generated when property in @baseclass has Identifier "Foo" and you try to create new property in your class and you set Identifier to "foo".

Definition required to conform to @baseclass.Foo instance created 20140610T113958.167 GMT. pyPropertyName: A case mismatch has been found for this property: 'foo' doesn't match 'Foo'.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a property in @baseclass and again in a higher class. In the second instance, change the identifier to another case version of the original ... capitalizing a letter not previously (or vice-versa).

Root Cause

Property names are NOT case-sensitive, but Identifiers are - so "case mismatch" will occur. The override must be of same case.


You have to "Withdraw" property "foo" from @baseclass.

Published July 9, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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