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Support Article

Purge/Archive wizard is not generating zip file



When using the Purge/Archive wizard, user do not see any archive file getting generated, though the process was run successfully.

Error Messages


Steps to Reproduce

Select Pega Button -> System -> Tools -> Purge/Archive and run the wizard.
Check for zip files created.

Root Cause

When user selects only cover types and no work types the zip file doesn't get generated if there are any covered objects present for the selected cover type. Selecting a cover isn't the same as saying "Purge/Archive all work items that fall under this cover".

You can select only cover class and not a work class, if there are only cover work items and NOT any covered work items left on the system. We should not purge the cover objects if there are any covered objects still left. Doing so would leave dangling covered items, since the cover they were previously referencing has been purged.


Need to select both work type and cover type for the purge/archive to work if there are any covered objects still present for the selected cover type.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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