Support Article
pyLabel error is thrown when value exceeds 64 characters length
The user has configured an activity where in pyLabel is used and the property value is set to this by concatenating with properties X & Y ( both of length 40 characters each). When running through the scenario, though pyLabel is not used to display the value.
Error Messages
" pyLabel:label_name is too long, maximum length allowed is 64."
Steps to Reproduce
- Perform a Property-Set which has source as "pyLabel" and value to be more than 64 characters long.
- Run through the scenario and observe the error on the screen
Root Cause
It is observed that the upper lmit for pyLabel is 64 characters. Hence, though you alter the database column, it would not allow you to have the value for pyLabel more than 64 characters.
As per the on-line help, if there is any business requirement to display text that is larger than 64 characters, it is recommended to use a Paragraph rule instead of pyLabel.
Published October 7, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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