Support Article
pzSelectAllCheckBoxCustom does not execute activity on selectall
When using the select all feature (pzSelectAllCheckBoxCustom) in a repeating grid layout upon clicking the select all box the "Run Activity" is not being executed from the actions.

Error Messages
No error message.
Steps to Reproduce
- Configure a grid to use the pzSelectAllCheckBoxCustom control to select all grid rows.
- Specify a run activity for the on click action.
Root Cause
The pzSelectAllCheckBoxCustom is an internal control and is not intended to be reused in this way (rules prefixed with pz are Pega internal).
The control itself is also not auto-generated so cannot utilize the most current actions options available to newer controls.
The problem here is that this checkbox control has it’s own embedded Javascript onclick handling functionality, so the onclick behaviour to run the activity is not used.
This is the same issue as encountered with standard radio buttons as described in this support article.
Perform the following local-change:
There is no standard select all control, so the solution is to implement the functionality using standard actions.
1. Configure the select all as an out of the box Checkbox control and specify a Data Transform to perform the select all operation through a Refresh Section action. One can also specify an activity to run.

Published May 4, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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