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Support Article

Rich Text Editor adds extra paragraph tags



When saving text in a rich text editor control, extra paragraph tags are added which causes unexpected line breaks to be rendered.

Error Messages

Not applicable.

Steps to Reproduce

Use Rich Text Editor control in a section and place some text and hit carriage return between two paragraphs (two lines) to add a new line with some text .

Root Cause

The functionality is working as expected.


Here’s the explanation for the reported behavior:

The default behavior for the out of the box Rich Text Editor (RTE) is to insert paragraph tags (<p> and </p>) every time a new line is entered.
This behavior can be overridden in the cell properties for the RTE by checking the option for "Use Line-break for new line..." option:

This will cause the use of <br /> tags instead.

Published September 11, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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