Support Article
Same ID is generated for radio button / checkbox elements
When there are multiple radio button controls on the screen with the same property name (but different clipboard path), toggling one radio via clicking the label is causing other radios to be toggled.
The same scenarios happens with checkboxes.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create two properties of type page, using same class.
2. In that class create one property with local options of Yes, No.
3. In the section add both of these properties using the respective page context.
4. Preview this section.
5. In the preview, click the second set of radio labels Yes, No.
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules. Unique IDs are not being generated for this scenario.
Apply HFix-35282 to address the checkbox scenario.
Apply HFix-35283 to address the radio button scenario.
Published August 8, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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