Support Article
Screen freezes when clicking the hyperlink on the RTE
The screen freezes when the hyperlink on the Rich Text Editor (RTE) is clicked.
Error Messages
pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:63414 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null
at Object.<anonymous> (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:63414)
at Object.listenerFirer (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:465)
at (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:611)
at new CKEDITOR.dialog (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:44439)
at Editor.openDialog (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:47305)
at CKEDITOR.command.exec (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:47145)
at CKEDITOR.command.exec (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:12117)
at Editor.execCommand (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:17540)
at (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:32580)
at Object.execute (VM644 pzpega_ckeditor_scripts_12728922340!!.js:32656)
Steps to Reproduce
- Click a link to open a flow in a modal dialog. The flow is defined on a 'Data-' class and creates a new work object
- On the modal dialog , display a table with 'Expand pane' option.
- Expand a table row to reveal the RTE in the expand pane.
- Click the Hyperlink tool. The screen freezes. The mask that displays behind the hyperlink tool popup, opens; however, the popup itself does not cause the screen to freeze. Additionally, Console error occurs.
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.
Apply HFix-53072.
Published August 15, 2019 - Updated October 8, 2020
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