Support Article
Second DWA Request 'another request currently being processed'
An issue with DWA that the first time when user click the link in email, it opens properly.
But, from the next time when user opens a different email, it saying "This request for information cannot be processed (another request is currently being processed)."
Note: The link in the email is generated from the the DSS publick link URL provided in Pega and the link inside the domain.
Error Messages
This request for information cannot be processed (another request is currently being processed).
Steps to Reproduce
1.Configure the DWA.
2. Send an email, click the link in the email, first time the screen opens properly.
3.Send another email, click the link in the email. It opens a window with said error.
Root Cause
The cause of the error 'access denied' is because the multiple ajax call on click of work object in the history tab.
So each time on click of history work object, user is trying to access PRPC multiple times and it is not allowing by throwing “Access denied” error.
As per pdn article in the link( DWA support :
" When the recipient clicks this link, a browser session opens and submits a one-time-only signature token to the Process Commander server. Process Commander evaluates the token to authenticate the external user and displays the assignment in their browser window. The user completes and submits the requested information, which ends the requestor connection. The
link can be used only once."
So as per the above explanation this requirement is not supported currently by PRPC.
This means the design for this DWA requires to be re-visited.
There is already an Enhancement for the behaviour to change in future.
FDBK-3468 is the enhancement number for user's future reference.
Published June 12, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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