Support Article
SLA goal/deadline event triggers late
Your developers notice that an SLA rule which triggers an activity when a deadline time is reached is not occuring at the expected time. The activity is triggering after the deadline time should be reached, and the audit history shows the deadline time is triggered 15 minutes late.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create an SLA rule for an assignment
2. Schedule an deadline activity to run in a specified time
3. Create a work object and bring it to that assignment
4. Wait until the deadline should trigger
Root Cause
The cause of the delay in processing the deadline activity is due to the SLA coupled assignment being locked by a user.
The explanation for this behavior is as follows: The ServiceLevelEvents Agent attempts to get the lock on the assignment associated to the SLA queue entry via the EstablishContext activity, if the lock is already held the next time for processing will be incremented by the amount associated to a system variable (SLALockRetryInterval) per Step 10 of EstablishContext activity.
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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