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Support Article

SMA clipboard access error



Error occurs when trying to access SMA Clipboard.

Error Messages

Access to the MBean operation/attribute RequestorManagement.Clipboard[java.lang.String] has been denied. If you believe that you should have access to this operation or attribute, please check your MBean security settings or contact your System Administrator.

Steps to Reproduce

From SMA > Requestor Management > clipboard


Please find below the steps to alter security permissions related to requestor management:
1. Navigate to <PRPC_distribution_dir>\archives and extract the "" to a temp folder.
2. Locate and extract the "" file under the temp/lib/pega/prresources.jar
3. Modify the file values as per your needs and Re-Jar the prresources.jar with this newly modified ( below values are modified according to your need).
#Default MBean security configuration.
deny.DatabaseManagement.DatabaseConnectionDetails = false
deny.RequestorManagement.RequestorDetails = false
deny.RequestorManagement.Clipboard = false
By default, the value is a "true" -> denying you access to the Clipboard/Details/etc.
4. Login to the PRPC Developer portal, navigate to Pega > Application > Distribution > Import menu.
5. Click the Browse and select the prresources.jar modified in Step 3 above and click Next.
6. In the Codeset Name/Version screen, specify Codeset Name as "Customer" and Codeset Version as "07-10-13" and click "Next" to complete the installation by clicking on "Done".
7. Stop the PRPC server/JVM.
8. Login to the PRPC database as the PRPC schema owner and execute the following SQL command -
SQL > update pr_engineclasses set pzcodeset='pega-enginecode' where pzclass like 'prmbeans%' and pzcodeset='Customer';
SQL > commit;
9. Restart the PRPC server/JVM.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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