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Support Article

Stored procedure SPPC_DATA_UNIQUEID is performing poorly



Stored procedure PEGA_DATA.SPPC_DATA_UNIQUEID is performing over the threshold consistently

Error Messages

Following alert is written to the PegaALERT log file.
*Database operation took more than the threshold of 5000 ms: 384,350 ms SQL: {call PEGA_DATA.sppc_data_uniqueid (?,?,?,?)}*

Steps to Reproduce


Root Cause

Issue is not seen in all the environments; It depends on the various factors of the database and its performance.


Following steps were taken to improve the performance of stored procedure SPPC_DATA_UNIQUEID
  1. Create index pc_data_uniqueid_idx1 on <schemaname>.pc_data_uniqueid (pzInskey, pyLastReservedID)
  2. Recreate the table with higher initrans, like 10. This is to allow multiple concurrent sessions to update the same data blocks.
  3. Move pc_data_uniqueid table to a 4k table space.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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