Support Article
Styles are not included in the generated PDF
User creates a PDF using the HTMLtoPDF activity. However, the styles are not included in the generated PDF if the activity is run through an agent. The styles are included only on running the activity manually.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Create an activity which creates a PDF using HTMLtoPDF
- Execute the activity through an agent
Root Cause
An issue in the custom application code or rules. The harness passed to HTMLtoPDF is not configured to include all the styles.
Perform the following local-change:
- Copy the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) of the application skin rule in the CSS text file rule
- Copy the custom CSS (those from embedded sections) in a separate CSS text file rule
- Include the CSS text file rules in the Scripts and Styles tab of the harness which is passed to HTMLtoPDF
- Ensure that the correct access group is provided to the agent
Published August 15, 2019 - Updated October 8, 2020
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