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Support Article

Tab group issue when '&' is present in the tab title



Pega 7 Provided functionality of Tabbed drop down to view the list of tab is not working properly when we have '&' in title tab. The problem is in multiple browsers but its behaviour is different. 
In chrome: 
When there is a Tab title named with''&" in it, that time in dynamic container (drop down) icon present at the right most end does not display Tab with '&' and all the all tab titles behind it under the options , only the tabs above the tab containing ' &' are shown . 

In IE11: When we click on dynamic container icon (shown in above image) , it displays no options. 
The same is the issue in firefox as well. 

Error Messages

Not Applicable 

Steps to Reproduce

Create a section with tab Grouped layout. Specify tab name as some name with "&" symbol. By clicking that drop down, its not display any values.

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules. 


Apply  HFIX-26548

Rule Changes : 

Published March 18, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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