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Support Article

Test connectivity fails for Oracle synonym back-end table



Data-Admin-DB-Table rule called your_Customer is defined which connects to the corresponding Database Table, your_CustomerTable without issue. When your_Customer Data-Admin-DB-Table Rule is configured to reference an Oracle synonym instead, test connectivity fails. 

Error Messages

Class your_CustomerClass is mapped to a table V71DATA.your_Customer which contains no columns

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create synonym V71DATA.your_Customer for V71DATA.your_CustomerA;

2. Within Pega map DATA-ADMIN-DB-TABLE rule your_Customer to your_CustomerA table within V71DATA schema and test connection.

Root Cause

A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment.  There is a known bug in the Oracle JDBC driver with synonyms which causes issues when the user making the connection has DBA-like privileges to see into other schemas. 


Make the following change to the operating environment:
  1. Instead of a synonym, use a view to work around the Oracle JDBC driver issue. ​
  2. Create view V71DATA.your_Customer as select * from V71DATA.your_CustomerA;

Published September 23, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020

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