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Support Article

Tracer and Clipboard buttons disabled for ProArch4 users



In Pega 7.1.8 and Pega 7.1.9, user is mapped to an access role which has Clipboardviewer privilege set on @baseclass. However, the user is still unable to  access the Tracer and Clipboard buttons in the footer toolbar.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1. Log in as [email protected] in Pega 7
2. Create a new Operator and assign it to the PegaRULES:ProcessArchitects Access Group whose access role is PegaRULES:ProArch4
3. Log off and log in with newly created OperatorID.
4. Verify if the Tracer and Clipboard buttons are disabled.

Root Cause

For ProArch4 accessrole, a Clipboardviewer privilege is set on @baseclass. Normally, setting this privilege is sufficient for accessing clipboard and Tracer.
However, in ProArch4, there are some privileges set on Data-Portal class, which is parent of DesignerStudio portal class (Data-Portal-DesignerStudio). So when the user logs in to DesignerStudio, PRPC checks for the privileges set on the current class or immediate parent class (Data-Portal).

Here, a 
Rule-Access-Role-Object (RARO) is defined on Data-Portal class and used for privilege validation. However, in this class, RARO does not have the Clipboardviewer privilege granted and hence the tracer and clipboard are disabled.
But in case of PegaRULES:SysAdm4 role, no RARO is present on Data- and Data-Portal classes and hence @baseclass RARO is used for privilege validation.
This class has the Clipboardviewer privilege granted and hence the tracer and clipboard are visible.


Local-change is to set the Clipboardviewer privilege on Data-Portal class for the access role which is cloned from ProArch4.

Else, create a new access role with just one Clipboardviewer privilege on @baseclass and include this new access role in users' access group.

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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