Support Article
Unable to call data class flow from work class flow
When user calls a flow of Data class from an activity of either Work or Data class, RecalculateAndSave is called in the end that fails as this activity is not found in the class hierarchy of flows applies to class (Data). RecalculateAndSave is an out of the box activity that is of Work Class.
Error Messages
Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with the name 'RECALCULATEANDSAVE' that applies to 'ABC-ABCApp-Data'. There were three rules with this name in the rule base, but none matched this request. The three rules named 'RECALCULATEANDSAVE' defined in the rule base are: 3 unrelated to applies-to class 'ABC-ABCApp-Data', for example: 'Work-'.
Steps to Reproduce
Create a Work class flow that has a utility.
This utility must call an activity of Data class, that in turn calls a flow of a Data class.
Root Cause
This was a incorrect design.
Following is the correct approach:
A Data class flow is called from a sub process on page property of Data class, and this sub process must be called from Work class flow.
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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