Support Article
Unable to check-in or discard rule
Unable to check-in or discard any rule after Pega 7.1.7 upgrade.
Error Messages
Fail: Database-Config-KeyPropertyNotExposed Index-CustomFields pxIndexCount
Steps to Reproduce
1. Log in to the Application.
2. Open any checked out rule.
3. Click Discard to observe the error.
4. The same issue occurs on check-in too.
If the flow rules contain any custom fields, the data should get inserted into table pr_index_customfields.
This issue is due to an irregularity with the table pr_index_customfields.
Follow the below produce to resolve the issue.
1. Stop the server.
2. Drop the existing table with name, pr_index_customfields.This issue is due to an irregularity with the table pr_index_customfields.
Follow the below produce to resolve the issue.
1. Stop the server.
3. Run the DDL statements for pr_index_customfields from the generated install DDL script for Pega 7.1.7.
4. Run below statement to add PYFREQUENTSAYINGCATEGORY column.
alter table PRPC717.pr_index_customfields add column PYFREQUENTSAYINGCATEGORY VARCHAR(253);
5. Provide all privileges.
6. Restart the server.
7. Perform revalidate and save for the following classes to retrieve the data in table.
- Rule-Obj-Class
- Rule-Application
Published September 7, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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