Support Article
Unable to delete the empty rows in a Decision Table
Unable to delete the blank rows in a Decision Table.
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a Decision Table and add a few blank rows
- Export the Decision table to Excel and remove the few rows
- Import the modified Excel in the Decision table. The blank rows deleted in Excel are still present in the Decision Table
- Delete the rows from UI
Root Cause
A software use or operation error. The 'Allowed to return values' option was not checked for the Decision Table.
For Decision Tables, the number of rows are determined by the count of "pyResults". While importing, this was not enabled, so the old captured values were used to calculate the row count. Only if the above field is enabled, the system re-calculates the row count.
Perform the following local-change:
Check the 'Allowed to return values' option in the Results tab.
Published April 10, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020
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