Support Article
Unable to display section in read-only mode in pyCaseInformation
To display some work related data in Case Information tab in read-only mode, the user has created a use case by including a section in 'pyCaseInformation' section, in the Presentation tab, setting the edit options as "Read-Only(Always)". But the section is still editable.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. In pyCaseInformation create a dynamic layout.
2. In this layout include a section with edit options as read-only(always) in Presentation tab.
3. Test the use case to observe that the section is still editable.
The root cause of this problem is software use/operation error.
Actionable elements like Button/Link/URL will always be editable in PRPC even when the container/Section is read-only.
Technically disabling is not the same as read-only. But there is local-change to disable action elements. Use pxIsEditable when rule to disable action elements when section is read-only.

Published July 13, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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