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Support Article

Update from 7.1.9 to 7.2.1 in Production



Doing an out of place upgrade of our Production Pega DB and got error while running the update scripts to upgrade Pega 7.1.9 to Pega 7.2.1 using UI tool. BUILD FAILED during import of IndexReference_1.jar which has INDEX-REFERENCE instances within it.

Error Messages

Initial logs did not show the specific error but after resuming see this error message for the failure.
[java] Error for batch element #1: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505, SQLERRMC=1;RULES.PR_INDEX_REFERENCE, DRIVER=4.13.80

[java] 2017-07-03 13:17:58,154 [ main] [ ] [ ] ( internal.loaders.FastLoader) ERROR - Unable to save instance of type Index-Reference with key INDEX-REFERENCE RULE-ACCESS-ROLE-OBJ PEGAUVU:USER LOG-PEGARULESMOVE!0!RULEREFERENCE

Steps to Reproduce

Run update scripts to upgrade Pega version 7.1.9 to 7.2.1.

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules. This is a known issue in the upgrade. The PegaUVU ruleset was moved to Pega-UVU but there are still orphan references in the pr_index_reference table.


Perform the following local-change:

Delete from RULES.pr_index_reference where pxreferencingrulesetname like'PegaUVU%'

Resume the update

Published August 26, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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