Support Article
Validation error icon is removed from repeating grid items
Using a repeating grid to display a page list. Doing a validation check on items in the page list to see if there are any duplicates. For a duplicate item, it displays a Red icon on the first field of that item. This is done through "Property-Set-Messages".
Items display on multiple pages in the grid, they show error icon with the relevant item. But as soon as clicked on pagination links to move to a different results page, these error icons are removed.
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
1) Create a Repeat Grid with multiple pages. An activity is used to validate duplicate items.
2) When paginated the error icons are removed.
Root Cause
The root cause of this problem is a defect in customer application code/rules.
This is an expected behavior of PRPC.
The explanation for this behavior is as follows:
1) PRPC will not allow you to paginate/navigate if the error messages are client side.
2) However if the errors come from server side validation, PRPC will allow you to navigate inspite of having these messages.
3) PRPC will try to sync with the server while navigating and hence clears the messages to have messages and data in sync with server.
Published July 14, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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