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Support Article

Word merge does not pull pega:reference fields into template



Silverlight or ActiveX based Word merge is launched from the flow action, but the {pega:reference ...} or any other type fields in the Word template do not get substituted with content. They can be exposed by pressing <ALT>-F9 key combination. Under normal conditions, all fields would be replaced by the content from the clipboard.

This occurs when the browser operates in the Internet zone, instead of the Local Intranet zone or in a trusted domain.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1. Ensure the browser operates in the Internet zone, instead of the Local Intranet zone or in a Trusted domain. This can be achieved, for example, by using a specific IP address URL, as opposed to a Domain Name resolved URL.
2. Launch Word Merge.

Root Cause

In this case the user navigated browser to a specific IP address URL, as opposed to a Domain Name resolved URL.
Built into Windows 7 User Account Control (UAC) security mechanism prevents Word from modifying the template document. When the browser operates in the Internet zone, UAC assigns browser low integrity status. Windows ensures that any loaded into browser plugin, including Silverlight and ActiveX controls, inherits low integrity status and blocks write access to the document. 


There are two options to resolve this issue - both require IT administration help:
  • Use a Domain Name resolved URL pointing to a server inside company firewall, so that browser operates in the Local Intranet zone.
  • Add the specific IP address to the list of trusted sites. 

Published September 1, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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