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Support Article

WorkObject XXXXX is not covered by WORK YYYY



User is getting the following error when they open the child workObject:

ErrorMessage : Work object XXXXX is not covered by WORK YYYY

Parent object does not have that particular child object in its pxCoveredInsKeys list and pxCoveredCountOpen count has the count excluding this child object.

But the child work object has correct pxCoverInsKey.

Error Messages

Work Object "Child" is not covered by "Parent"


Since such issues are very sporadic, below are the suggested solutions that should resolve the issue:

1. When an agent is involved for child case creation.

The parent case must be locked by some other user for long time (including max attempts) while the agent was trying to get the workpage details, it couldn't get it and resulted in the issue with incomplete details during child case creation.

Hence, ensure that "Do not lock the parent case when the child case is opened" has to be checked ideally on the case type of child case, otherwise you will not have lock and the properties might not be getting updated in parent.

2. pxCoveredCount, pxCoveredCountOpen, pxCoveredInsKeys are internal properties of pega and it is recommended that these properties should not be updated anywhere in the application.

Published May 15, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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